Which is the Church of the Living God
The Pillar and Ground of the Truth Without Controversy, Inc.
Keith Dominion
General Elder Charlotte Sims, Pastor
Bishop Clary K. Butler, Sr., Chief Overseer
Bishop Phyllis J. Mims, Presiding State Bishop
Honoring the Past, Embracing the Future
The House of God Church-Keith Dominion is a fellowship of believers committed to the discipleship of Jesus Christ, and welcomes all who are likeminded that desire to grow in the fullness of His stature. Our members are loving and caring people who are exhorted to love one another and all mankind. The preaching, teaching, studying and keeping of God’s Word, the Bible, is held preeminent in the lives of our members. Our praise and worship services are Spirit-filled, full of joy and rejoicing as we extol and magnify God our Creator and His Son Jesus with testimonies, hymns, and spiritual songs.
A Pastor’s Passion…God’s People!
Greetings to all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that I both invite and welcome you
to the House of God Church-Keith Dominion.
It is here that you will receive God’s WORD for the people of God. We are all God’s children!
God loves each of us unconditionally! God has no respect of persons and neither do we.
All souls are precious in His sight.
Please note our “Bible Study and Worship” times and know in advance that you are
welcome to come worship with us.
If you are new to the community, WELCOME!
Please come and help us leave a loving,
caring and sincere impression in the Maysville/Belgrade community.
Yours in His Service,
General Elder Charlotte Sims
Our Vision Statement
That every member and potential member would develop as a “lively stone” in God’s house. Therefore as an example of true holiness, we will lead dying men, women, boys and girls out of the degradation of sin into the marvelous light of the Gospel, through Jesus Christ our Savior. I Peter 2:5
Our Divine Mission
To give the Word of God, lead by example, fast and pray that we as “lively stones” in God’s house will “Grow the Church!” John 12:32
What Do We Believe?
We believe and do firmly preach that the Holy Bible contains all that is necessary for the salvation of man, and that no other book is so full of power and holy wisdom, and understanding as the Bible. Read II Timothy 3:16 -17;
II Peter 1:16 - 21
We believe it is necessary to observe and keep the commandments and sayings of Christ. Read John 6:59 – 69; John 14:15, 21 - 24
We believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, and that these three are one in holy estate of power of the Godhead. We believe that these are three powers of the holy union of heaven, expressly called “Us.” Read Genesis 1:26
We believe that through the disobedience of one man, Adam, many were made sinners and that through the obedience of one, Jesus Christ, many are made righteous. Read Romans 5:12 - 21
We believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God unto salvation; unto every one that believes and that the gospel does remit sins. Read Romans 1:16 - 17
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God, and that He was born of the Virgin Mary and that He was spiritually conceived of the Holy Ghost. Read Matthew 1:18 - 25
We believe that Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God was possessed of the full nature and disposition of humanity, and was born into the world to save His people from their sins. Jesus took upon Himself the likeness of sinful flesh to condemn sin and to convince man that human flesh can live in this world free from sin and condemnation. We believe that Jesus Christ, our example giver, the way, the truth and the life of all men spiritually, through obedience to His Father, and as an example to others of the same nature, was thus made able to resist the Devil and to overcome the world. Read John 1:1 – 14; Hebrews 4:14 – 16; Romans 8:1 – 4; Philippians 2:5 -11
We believe that in Jesus Christ is no sin, and that all who follow in His footsteps and example will likewise do no sin but shall be able to overcome the world as He did. He was baptized or filled with the Holy Ghost and thereby was made able to resist the temptations of the devil. Read I Peter 2:21 -25; I John 1:5 – 10; Matthew 3:13 – 17; Matthew 4:1 – 11
We believe that all Christian followers must be filled with the same spirit in order to be able to resist the temptations of the devil and to overcome the world and to live free from sin in this world. Read Acts 1:4 – 9;
John 14:16 -17, 26;
Romans 8:5 - 14
We believe also that there is a final Judgment Day in store for all, both the good and for the bad. In the Judgment, the righteous shall be changed from this corruptible body and sinners will be separated from the righteous and turned into the place called the Lake of Fire and Brimstone. Read John 5:19 – 30; Revelation 20:6 - 15
We believe that there is a place of inheritance and joy and happiness beyond expression for those that long for the appearing of the Lord, to those that keep His sayings and do His will and this place we believe is eternal into Heaven and is the Heaven of heavens. Read John 14:1 – 3; Acts 1:9 – 11; Revelation 21
House of God Church - Keith Dominion
P. O. Box 154
252 Springhill Rd. Maysville, NC 28555
International Church Site: www.hogconline.org